re+active complex regional pain syndrome programs
Return to a full life, living with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).
What is CRPS?
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that typically affects a limb. The pain is typically disproportionate to the severity of the initial injury. CRPS is characterized by prolonged or excessive pain and changes in skin color, temperature, and/or swelling in the affected area.
What's different at re+active?​​
​​Expert care only
Integration like nowhere else
All of your therapists are under one roof, and they hold weekly 30 minute meetings just to discuss your case! This means that your PT is working with your yoga therapist on safe movement, and your OT is coordinating with your psychologist on autonomic regulation.
Physical therapy and psychology co-treats to tackle on real-time movement related problems & challenging situations.
Comprehensive Care
Whether it's meeting with your doctor of sharing with a friend, we are happy to collaborate with you in what tools are most effective for you.
What assessments do we do?
We perform evidence based assessments and treatments, including:
Functional assessment of the limb
Proprioceptive/body awareness sensory testing
Graded Motor Imagery + graded exposure
Autonomic testing and biofeedback
Orthopedic and neurological assessment
Comprehensive behavioral sleep assessment
Lifestyle risk & supportive factors
Emotional health
Apply online for our program to see if you are a good fit. After we receive your application, we will set up a free consult with you to see if this is a good fit for you.
Our program includes:
Physical therapy with a focus on a graded approach to return to activities.
Psychology for emotional and cognitive brain health and mind+body practices
Physical therapy and Psychotherapy co-treat sessions where your therapists will work with you to tackle on some of the larger barriers to pain relief and function.
Occupational therapy with a focus on lifestyle interventions like cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, energy management, and mindfulness.
Yoga therapy with a specialist who takes your pain into account.
Interdisciplinary meetings where your team will help problem solve difficult situations.
Coordination with other medical and professionals
What will an integrated program look like?
The amount of therapy depends on the person. We have both intensive outpatient program 3-5 days per week for a minimum of four weeks or a more extended program over a longer period of time.
CRPS requires a gentle, gradual retraining of your systems. Generally the course of treatment lasts months, but that doesn't mean you're in therapy every single week for that whole time. Your program will likely include breaks from therapy, and reduced frequency as you progress.
Our program is reimbursable to insurances.
Take the first step to regain control of your CRPS symptoms with our free resources from our expert team! (click the photo below)
Meet our client Lucy!

Our philosophy:
Understand you as a whole person, including body and brain connections, your environmental influences, and underlying neurologic and musculoskeletal issues.
Our therapy approach is strongly influenced by the research and principles of neuroplasticity. We are driven by the idea that we can re-establish healthy connections through movement, motor control, sensory training, autonomic control and addressing underlying physical limitations. We implement a strong motor learning approach to treatment including graded motor imagery and principles of autonomy, external focus and enhanced expectations.
CRPS is not "in your head". Research and experience have shown that CRPS results from problems functional connectivity in the brain and the body. We believe strongly in understanding who many different factors might contribute to the pain including your peripheral nervous system, central nervous system, musculoskeletal factors and lifestyle factors.
We believe in recovery! We join you on a journey (and you are in the driver's seat) and are part of an interdisciplinary team that includes your physician, psychologist and other health professionals. We also discuss and prepare for flare-ups and changes along your journey.
Our therapy approach is strongly influenced by the research and principles of neuroplasticity. We are driven by the ideas that the brain is plastic and while the connections might be skewed in CRPS, we can re-establish healthy connections through movement, motor control, sensory training, autonomic control and addressing underlying physical limitations. We implement a strong motor learning approach to treatment including graded motor imagery and principles of autonomy, external focus and enhanced expectations.
What will sessions at re+active look like?
Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy for complex regional pain syndrome is an effective way to work on body awareness and autonomic regulation. The poses are modified to stay within a safe range, and may start in more restorative poses lying down, if dysautonomia or flares are a concern.