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re+active program for people post-stroke

Individualized and integrated program 


Are you a person looking for a whole team approach to neuroplasticity?  Are you tired of piecing together a team on your own? 


You're in the right place


Our philosophy:
  • Neuroplasticity drives recovery at any time after stroke (whether it was last month or 10 years ago!) Research and experience have shown that intensive neurologic rehabilitation with a team can drive brain changes. 
  • We believe in recovery! We join you on a journey (and you are in the driver's seat) and are part of an interdisciplinary team. 
  • Our therapy approach is strongly influenced by the research and principles of neuroplasticity.  We are driven by the ideas that the brain is plastic and can re-establish healthy connections through movement, motor control, sensory training, autonomic control, lifestyle, and addressing underlying physical limitations.  We implement a strong motor learning approach to treatment including principles of autonomy, external focus and enhanced expectations.  
Apply online  to meet with one of our therapists to see if you are a good fit. 

Our program includes a team approach and may include:

  • Physical therapy with an emphasis on sensory, motor and autonomic control. 

  • Occupational therapy with a focus on use of your arm and lifestyle interventions.

  • Psychology  for regaining control and improving emotional and cognitive brain health.

  • Neuropsychology for Neurocognitive testing and training

  • Lifestyle Medicine with Dr. Eli Madrid, MD

  • Yoga therapy

  • Fitness and personal training to drive brain change

  • Coordination with the medical team

  • The amount of therapy depends on the person.  We have had the most success in an intensive outpatient program 3-5 days per week for a minimum of two weeks.    

  • Download our Program Description to learn more about the program. 


Stroke Integrated Program Results


Matt Little had a brainstem and cerebellar stroke five years ago and shares his story and recovery through our integrated program. 

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Let's stay in touch!  We get a lot of questions about neurological rehabilitation and how to find the right team. So, we wrote this free guide to help people find the right provider.   Let us help you find the right fit. Download our free guide with 9 questions (and answers) to find the right neuro rehab team for you.
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