Meditation Myth-busters

Have you ever said the following?
“I don’t have time to meditate.”
“I would meditate but I can’t sit still for 20 minutes.”
“What if I’m not flexible enough to sit and meditate?”
Before you decide what you can and can’t do,
you should know a few things about what meditation is and isn’t so that you can make a well-informed decision.
Meditation Myth
Meditation is a passing fad. I’ll do it and then everyone will have moved on to the next bandwagon.
Meditation Myth-buster
5,000 years is a long time for a fad to last. That’s how long meditation has been documented—that we know of! Meditation actually came before physical yoga postures. The first yogis created poses and sequences so that they could sit for longer periods of time without discomfort in order to, you guessed it, meditate longer.
Meditation Myth Meditation is shutting down or emptying the mind.
Meditation Myth-buster
Your brain is designed for survival, it does not shut down while your body is alive. Meditation is not emptying. Rather, it is the practice of calling your mind back to the attention of your breath, a body part, a phrase, or counting the # of breaths. You are directing your consciousness, and that is something to celebrate. We have some great tips in this free report to get you started on your practice--grab it here.
Meditation Myth
I’m not patient or disciplined enough. I don’t got time for that.
Meditation Myth-buster
Who told you that? Was that taught to you or did you create that internal soundtrack and put it on repeat? Before you try meditating, you must learn that you are the observer of your thoughts, not the thoughts themselves. Ask your self: “Am I willing to look at my thoughts in a new way? Am I willing to free myself from unnecessary emotional suffering?” You don’t win a trophy for being attached to negative thinking.
Meditation Myth
I have no say in what happens to me.
Meditation Myth-buster If you are the observer of your thoughts, then you’re ready to influence your thoughts. You can disentangle from thoughts that no longer serve you. You know that mental chatter of criticism and attachment to negative thinking? The consuming thought patterns that keep you awake in bed and distracted from the present moment? Meditation facilitates acknowledging thoughts and allows them to pass. And it’s free, too!
Meditation Myth
I tried meditating but it turned into a mental to-do list of what I needed to do after my meditation ended. I believe action makes progress, not sitting around. That’s weird.
Meditation Myth-buster
I find myself drifting into planning my day and adding to my ever-increasing to-do list. Meditation is the inverse of activity: receptivity. It’s plugging into the place where ideas come from.
Are you interested in learning more about how to simply start a meditation practice? Sign up for our interest list and grab our free guide complete with simple start up tips and links to free meditation practices.